As we approach the CFHA annual conference in San Antonio, TX, some of you may be thinking about starting your poster preparation. Or are you perhaps going to a different conference and preparing a poster? Posters are not only a great way to share innovations or work that you have been doing, but they are also a great chance to network and develop professionally. If you have never done one before or would like to level up your skills to ensure the poster is the best quality it can be, the CFHA Research and Evaluation Committee has a webinar for you. We will cover how to go about making a poster to ensure it is conveying important information, give you resources to utilize, and how to utilize the poster professionally to network. This information is not specific to CFHA, but can be utilized for all conferences. Please join us on September 20th for a Poster Tips and Tricks webinar led by Drs. Amber Landers, Jeff Goodie, and Jen Funderburk.